Friday, February 03, 2006

Working and Meetings

Well, I started the Mother's Day Out two weeks ago and already our enrollment has more than doubled and we hired our first full time staff person (YAY!!) Interestingly enough we are getting a whole bunch of 2 year old kids who all come from the same neighbourhood, and who all know each other. Apparently their parents all attend the same Muslim Church. Has anyone heard of a Muslim Church before? I asked whether it was a Mosque and one of the moms said no, it was a church because their prayers are different. The moms also wanted to know whether we taught the Bible in our class and was very excited when we said yes. I wonder if these are perhaps Muslim Christians? Any one have any insight on this?

Meetings have been the centre of our lives lately, meetings for church activities being the number one culprit. We are revamping the Children's Ministries, from the buildings to the curriculum which obviously requires a lot of planning, and the meetings aren't going to end any time soon.

On the home front the kids celebrated 100 days of school yesterday, and we are halfway through the school year. The kids don't know it yet, but this summer we are moving (yet again!) As much as we love this house and this neighbourhood we simply live too far from the church, from my work at the church and really from all our friends. We live on the North-West side of town, the church is on the far North-East side. We spend about $80 to $100 a WEEK in gas! So, I am on the lookout for a house in a subdivision that is less than 5 minutes from church - it also happens to be where the Children's Pastor lives and about a half dozen church members! In fact there is a house available right now that is in our price range and is huge - 4,048 square feet! (Houses in San Antonio are really cheap!) I am sure when it is time to move it will no longer be available, but boy, it sure would be nice.

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At 7:46 AM , Blogger JC said...

Hey Cori- I could post on your blog but not mine. Something must be wrong with blogger.
That's great about MDO!! Interesting about the Muslim "church".
We celebrated the 100th Day of School here too! I thought it was really cool.
We'll be praying about the housing situation.I know it's been on your mind a lot lately.


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