Friday, December 09, 2005

Ice?? In San Antonio??

Can you believe that balmy San Antonio got some ice on Wednesday night? Admittedly it was not much and our side of town got hit harder than other parts (some places got no icy rain at all). On Thursday morning I looked at the cars parked outside and wondered how people would get the ice off their windscreens, most people here don't own an ice scraper. Why buy something that you might use once a decade if that? But it has warmed back up and tomorrow our high will be 64 which is pretty normal for this time of year.

Tomorrow promises to be a busy day, starting with a meet for Hayley, a meeting at church for Terry and I, a pottery lesson for Teagan, a meet for Warrick, a company Christmas party for the kids, a play rehearsal for the church play, setting up and teaching in the special needs room, followed by an adults-only company Christmas party in the evening!

As the year draws to the close Terry and I stand in amazement at what one year has brought into our lives. We have grown so much spiritually, have become even more rooted in our church, have moved into greater leadership and responsibilities and are really finding our niche in ministry. I am excited to see what the new year will bring for our family!


At 10:51 AM , Blogger JC said...

Hey Cori- I'ts been pretty cool here and the local's say it's not normal. We've been hovering around the O mark.

Horace has an interesting blog.


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