Sunday, February 19, 2006

Slumber party

Well we survived the slumber party! The girls finally went to sleep at about midnight and were up bright and early on Saturday morning. You can always gauge the success of a sleepover by how tired the kids are, and Teagan was still tired today! Thank goodness they can sleep in tomorrow morning.

Teagan had a great time, even though the weather was not terribly cooperative. Like the rest of the USA, we have been hit by a cold front and although we cannot measure up to (or is that down to?) the -20 or greater temperatures that the northern states have experienced, we hit 26 on Friday night. Driving to church this morning was an adventure - the temperature was 30 and it was raining. Plenty of accidents on the freeway as less experienced drivers (well less experienced in freezing temperatures) tried to maintain their normal speeds and then found themselves colliding with each other. And Texas uses sand/grit which really does not do much in helping with the freezing conditions. We should be warming up some though.

Next - our wedding anniversary coming up this weekend!

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