Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas is Done - New Year Here We Come!

The last of the gifts have been taken from under the tree, which now lies bare (except for the cats who think the tree is their personal resting place) and next week Tuesday the decorations come down, and packed away for another year.

This is always a weird time of year for me. Being self-employed if I don't work I don't make money, but the kids are home and it is so easy to stay in holiday mode and mood; but I have actually done some paying work this week, and will reap the benefits to that in January.

One thing I appreciate so much about being here in San Antonio is the sheer number of South Africans that surround me, mostly from church, but there are several couples who don't attend our church, or don't go to church at all and they live close by. To that end, one of my friends, Liana and her American husband are having a 'South African' get-together at their house on New Year's Eve. It is a family event and I am sure there will be a 'braaivleis' (barbeque) and biltong (jerky) and each family was asked to bring a dish to pass. I am making something called 'Melktert', literally milk pie, which is a mixture between a custard pie and a milk pie and liberally sprinkled with cinnamon. Tastes yummy!

I am also thinking of making sosaties. Sosaties are similar to kebabs: skewers of meat (venison, lamb or chicken) interspersed with onions and dried fruit (such as apricots) and marinated in a thick, sweet curry sauce. Sosaties are sensational hot off a braai as the marinade browns and becomes wonderfully tacky. Sticky sauce from ear to ear is testament to a good sosatie!

So, whatever your plans - whether solidly American, British, South African, or a hybrid of all - have a wonderful New Year's Eve!

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At 4:23 PM , Blogger JC said...

mmmm- that looks really good! I'm hungry know after reading that post!


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