Monday, August 20, 2007

Hayley is 10!!!

In the stillness of the morning light I woke before the rest of the house and thought about this day 10 years ago. Hayley Claire Smelker made her entry into the world, four days before her due date, the only one of our children to come early. I remember so clearly waking up at 6:15am with a contraction and calling downstairs to Terry informing him that he should not go to work. Instead we called Star to look after Teagan (Warrick elected to come with us). By the time Star arrived at the house 45 minutes later, I was so ready to go to the birthing center!! Driving in rush hour traffic with contractions on top of one another is an experience I never want to repeat! We got to the birthing center at about 7:50am and Hayley came quietly into the world at 8:06am, weighing a good 7lbs 12oz and measuring 20 inches. She was the quietest baby of them all, although that has now changed drastically!

We nicknamed her, 'Helpful Hayley' because she is the most helpful of all our kids. She loves to help in the kitchen and is becoming a deft hand at cooking. She is a stubborn son of a gun though! Terry and I joke that Hayley is 'mini-me'. She loves to read, she does not take any guff from anyone and she loves to swim, dive, jump on the trampoline and play with all the animals we have.

I had to wake the kids up a little early this morning as I had to work at the school this morning (on the PTA this year, long story!) Hayley was understandably excited to come downstairs and find a gift on the table from us; her own jewellery maker. Her party is on Saturday afternoon at the pool, and we are all looking forward to that.

My life is immeasurably enriched because of who Hayley is and I am grateful that she is here.

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At 2:01 PM , Blogger JC said...

I remember that day and the buzz around the church office that morning. I remember I first met her in the "crazy hall" as you guys were showing her off to the choir. I remember specifically that it was Hailey and not another one of your kids, becuase of the middle name!
Happy Birthday Hailey!

At 8:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww! She is a pretty girl!

I was actually a screamer when I was born. They even put me in my own nursery in the hospital. (Think small "city")

Now, I'm shy but I do talk a lot with people I know.

~Becky "kiddo"

At 4:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, my mom believes me and my friend and thinks my aunt unnecessarily hurt us. I'm not exactly sure what she thinks totally. I guess mainly cause these days she just wants it dropped because it was 2 months ago.

I know that she thinks its a shame we were hurt over something we never did.


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