Tuesday, July 03, 2007

'Unplugged' Week

Last year we started a new 'tradition' in the Smelker household, but towards the end of the school year it went by the wayside, but is now back in force. Once a month, for 7 days the TV does not go on, video games and computer games are not played, and even Terry and I are only allowed on the computers to work.

The first three or four times we had these weeks Carson asked why they were being punished! We explained to all the kids that this was not a punishment. We wanted them to realise there is more to life than the electronic eye and the games that can be played on it.

And then we discovered something - even though there are 3 TV's in the house (although one is in our bedroom and the kids don't have access to it), the kids fought over who was watching what when; or fight over who won a game, or who 'cheated' (how can you cheat at a video game?) and I was constantly running interference between them. But the week the TV and everything else is off, there is peace in the home! So much for TV being the great 'electronic babysitter'! Now that doesn't mean I don't like TV - I appreciate some of the shows on TV, some of them are funny, and educational, however when the kids fight about which channel to watch all perks fly out of the window as far as I am concerned.

Right now the boys are playing on the piano and the girls are upstairs colouring, and drawing. Board games are out and being played and not one angry word has crossed a lip this morning.

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At 10:55 PM , Blogger JC said...

I just love that tradition! I will miss you this week on IM- glad you posted on your blog!

I enjoy reading your accent!

At 9:28 AM , Blogger Bob said...

Great, but doesn't this blog post violate the rule? [grin]


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