Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Back Home Again

After 4 months working at Citibank, I have come back home again. As much as I enjoyed (for the most part) the job I did at Citibank, the commute was killing me. For some reason about a month ago San Antonio's traffic exploded and what used to take me 60 minutes to drive was now taking 90 minutes. Because of the parking lots AKA freeways, my gas consumption skyrocketed too.

I was lucky enough to garner some new clients for my freelance work, and when I knew I could generate enough income from them again, I was able to put in my two week's notice.

The family as a whole has missed having me home. Trying to cook a nutritious meal at 6:45pm, get the homework done, baths run and kids into bed by 8:00 was a stretch. Things like housework were left until Saturday and we had Ramen noodle soup way too many times over the last few months. Warrick saw me cooking a three course meal the other night and said in a heartfelt manner, "Oh. It's good to have you home!"

So, instead of spending my day in the basement of a building, sharing a desk with one other person, after having to use a security badge to move anywhere on the property, I spend my days instead in this sun-filled office, with all the comforts of home - ah, does it get any better?



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