Saturday, September 10, 2005

Baby B is a Stubborn Little One!!

Yesterday I saw the u/s person and they measured the babies and A is 5lbs 7oz, and B is 5lbs even. That means if they were born right now they would more than likely go home immediately unless they exhibited signs of not being able to keep their body temperatures up by themselves, or had trouble sucking. That is the GREAT news.

On another front though on Labour day I began to feel really uncomfortable, I have been in a lot of pain because I thought both babies were kicking me at the same spot. Well, turns out only one was kicking! Kendall (baby B) turned again, and now her head is stuck right under my ribcage pushing my ribs out. Even breathing hurts when I sit or lay down! It doesn't change things for the delivery, I can still go vaginal because Wendall, the first twin is head down, but part of me is like, "you need to be able to breathe deeply when in labour, that's not happening right now!" I need this baby to turn! From what I read online, an external version done by the doctor is probably not a viable option because there are twins and therefore no room. I am going to try some natural remedies that might help.

Anyway, please agree with me in prayer that she moves, I am in such pain that I don't think I can take another couple of weeks of pregnancy like this. I want to give these guys another week or so in the womb, but the way I feel I just want to get it over and done with! I can feel her move a lot, and I really hope that one of the moves that was recommended by a midwife will get her head down again.

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