Monday, September 05, 2005

Smelker Labour Day

Well, I called Warrick the "phantom child" and I was not far wrong! I had to go back almost 11 months in iPhoto to find this shot of him.

We had a quiet, relaxing day here. Terry, the master chef of pancakes brought out the griddle this morning and created a masterpiece that the kids soon devoured. Apart from that, the day was fairly uneventful. I am still not allowed to do much more than walk from room to room, which any other day is not too bad, but today was the last day of the sub-division pool being open. The committee had organised for a raffle and a large BBQ, and I was looking forward to going, but the doctor put the kibosh on it. Terry took the kids for a couple of hours, spurred on by the fact that one of Garrick's little friends called the house looking for him.

However, on Friday, as mentioned before, all restrictions placed on me will be lifted and I can start moving around freely again. These last few days are harder than the beginning. It's like when I used to run cross-country at school, the hardest part was seeing the finish line in front of you and wondering how long it will take to get there! I can almost taste the freedom! But I have to say I am really grateful that I am not stuck in a hospital bed, forced to lie there 24 hours a day.

I have had friends who have either been confined to their homes, stuck on the couch for several weeks, or in the case of one woman, in the hospital for 16 weeks! I did joke with my one friend Kim who basically suffered labour pains for 6 long weeks that she has a great comeback when her son wants to learn how to drive. Saying, "I was in labour with you for 6 weeks and you want to get into a car and probably kill yourself," sounds a lot more effective than, "I was in labour with you for 45 minutes..." Lacks impact!

I am just thankful that on this Labour Day I did not labour!

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At 7:24 PM , Blogger JC said...

Warrick looks great! Phatom child that he is. He'll be photographed more and more once he's a famous wrestler!


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