Monday, September 24, 2007

Terry's Idea of Heaven

I am not an artist - I make no claims to be one. I love art, I can appreciate paintings, photos and the like, but when it comes to how they are produced, you lose me. Terry on the other hand loves all things art - technical, creative etc. We'll be travelling down the freeway and he'll say something like, "Did you see that billboard we just passed?" Yeah, I saw it, I checked it for grammar and spelling as we went by. He however will say, "That font is the [insert font name here] and it was used by [insert name here] when he/she/they did the ad for [insert company here]"

He will show me photos that are reversed (I think that is the right term). I try to look interested, really I do, but unless the dog is on the ceiling, or the cars are driving upside down, I probably would never be the wiser. But I am glad there are the Terry's in the world - they make our world a happier, brighter and altogether prettier place!

Like any other professional field out there, you need to keep abreast of changes, trends and what the future holds. For artists like Terry 'the' conference to attend is Photoshop World. Unfortunately finances have dictated that he has only attended one conference, and that was back in 2003.

Last night he was watching some online demonstrations and I overheard the announcement for Photoshop World 2008. It is to be held from April 1, 2008 and at Terry's favourite vacation town. My ears perked up at that! About a month ago he had made mention that he really wants to attend one of their conventions again (and in all fairness I did fly to Michigan for a writer's conference. I was one of the speakers, but I still benefitted from listening to and talking to fellow writers.) I told him to start making plans to attend and to tack on a few days before or after the conference to see Mickey at Disney World.

He's already making plans!

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